понедельник, 11 февраля 2019 г.

Originally shared by Booking Hotel INOne of the most famous

Originally shared by Booking Hotel INOne of the most famous

Originally shared by Booking Hotel INOne of the most famous festivals held in the Balkans is the Vevčani Carnival. It is believed that the custom is over 1,400 years old. It is based on an old Pagan beliefs and rituals. Essentially the Carnival is the ritual of calling after Saint Basil the Great, which coincides with the Twelve Days of Orthodox Christmas and the Orthodox New Year. The festivity is dedicated to Saint Basil the Great. Traditionally every year from 12th to 14th Januar which traditionally celebrates the arrival of the New Year according to the old calendar bookinghotelin.com @MKDtours destinations.bookinghotelin.com #waytomakeatravel #destinationswelove http://vevchani-info.mk/en/vevcani’s-carnival
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